Showing posts with label Giant Golden Eyesore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giant Golden Eyesore. Show all posts


AddOn: GAKGrunt-B-Gone for Guardian of the Ancient Kings

A couple of weeks ago Cathedral of Tainted Souls posted an AddOn guide for Silencer, a mod to remove certain annoying sound effects from the game. Gun sounds, Worgen Sniffles and other things can be removed from the game so that they no longer irritate you.

I posted this comment regarding the Guardian of the Ancient Kings:
Is there a silencer mod to shut up the Guardian of the Ancient Kings? He makes a grunt noise every time that I cast a heal and it's driving me up the wall.
Truthfully, I expected a negative response and not much else. What I got, however, was this:
taintedsouls says:
January 7, 2011 at 10:59 am 
I asked the maker of Sniff-B-Gone if he could make one to handle this and he was kind enough to take the time to do so. 
I present to you GAKGrunt-B-Gone by JimboBillyJoe:
If you enjoy it, please leave him a thank you in the comments.
I would just like to take this opportunity to thank Taintedsoul for taking the time to help me on this, and really going above and beyond the call. It was very unexpected.

Of course, I would also like to thank the Author, JimboBillyJoe for taking the time to do this for all Paladins everywhere. My sanity shall return now that I don't have to hear Disco Stu grunt at me every time I use that cooldown.



Last night I did the last half of level 84 and got the Ding! that everyone looks forward to most.  Thosif is now at the level cap with a 323 iLvl; just about ready to enter heroics.  I completed three dungeons to get the final 6 bars of XP, two Vortex Pinnacles and half of a Stonecore run.  All of them went very smoothly, setting myself up for the inevitable shock that I'm sure I will experience when I start focusing on the harder dungeons.  I was hoping to get Grim Batol or Lost City of the Tol'vir, neither of which I have seen before.  But no, the random dungeon finder had other ideas.  At least it put me together with three amazing groups.

Disco Stu has come to heal you!
Of course, level 85 as a Paladin means that you are going to be looking at this guy on the left an awful lot, Guardian of the Ancient Kings.  I think this spell has a lot of promise, and I'm really looking forward to trying it out.  But wow... Blizzard sure made this guy look stupid.  I guess they feel that Paladins need to have more wings than anyone else.

I still need to finish questing in order to get my faction Reputations to where they need to be.  Earthen Ring is my priority, as they have some really nice things for Holy Paladins.  So that means that I'm heading back to Vashj'ir, which I did only enough of to get my seahorse mount and find the entrance to Throne of the Tides.  It's ironic that after I hit the level cap the first thing I do is go to the starter zones.

Really... I can't even look at this guy.  He had better be worth it.